Thanks for giving a space to Palestinian voices
"Amidst the recent events unfolding and a lack of nuanced media coverage, thank you for meeting your journalistic standards and contributing to a more balanced media environment in Canada by giving space to Palestinian voices."
Read moreThanks for highlighting the forced expulsion of Palestinians
"Thank you for meeting your journalistic standards and contributing to a more balanced media environment in Canada."
Read moreOffensive language in news segment requires on-air correction
"If the unannounced killing of civilians in their homes is to Makler’s “fancy,” then the least you can do is not subject viewers to her commentary. But to make hers the last word on this subject in your segment is insulting, injurious, and journalistically base."
Read moreFalse claims about Hamas during interview with Mike Fegelman
"The most notable false claim is when Fegelman states that there is footage of “Israeli babies herded into cages like animals.” This video has been widely debunked — it is inaccurate, and his claim is untrue."
Read moreErasure of Sabreen Abu Daqqa’s nationality as a Palestinian
"I challenge you, therefore, to include Ms. Abu Daqqa’s nationality in the article, along with additional context around what Palestinian civilians in Gaza face. I also insist, just as you have done for the hapless and tragic Israeli victims of the recent fighting, that you include dramatically more details and examples of Palestinian victims."
Read moreCBC self-censors Israeli Defence Minister Gallant's deragatory rhetoric against Palestinians
"Gallant’s statement is pregnant with significance and intent. As you may know, such dehumanizing language is often a precursor to literal genocidal, and CBC and the Associated Press should NOT have self-censored this language from its coverage. I insist, therefore, that you incorporate this quote, and highlight the appalling implications for Palestinians."
Read moreHighly misleading front page regarding Gaza-Israel conflict
"Such a misrepresentation violates basic journalistic principles and deserves clarification in a forthcoming print edition of the paper."
Read moreThanks for quoting CJPME, which asks the Canadian government to join calls for a ceasefire
"I was pleased to see you included the reaction of Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, which asks for the government to join calls for a ceasefire. CJPME has made the connection between the escalating violence and the occupation and calls for an end to the 'daily, brutal violence of Israel’s military occupation'."
Read moreDecontextualizing the Palestinian struggle against Israel’s brutal military occupation
"This is an important breaking story to cover, but the CBC and Reuters must acknowledge this core contextual information. When two parties to the conflict specifically cite this context, your failure to do so is a reflection of lazy journalism."
Read moreThanks for balanced coverage regarding escalation of violence in Gaza
"Such balance as in your approach is rare these days when few newscasters rely upon the ethical requirements of their journalistic profession. The lives of civilians on either side of the conflict must be deemed important."
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