Thanks for your insightful op-Ed on Polio outbreak in Gaza
"CJPME is acutely aware that your article may face attacks from groups such as Honest Reporting Canada which typically attack student media any time journalism students attempt to properly cover issues in regards to Palestine. I want to assure you that you have our steadfast support and to reach out to us in case you are attacked by Pro-Israel groups and are in need of support or guidance on how to deal with this unwanted attention."
Read morePlease specify that Gaza’s health ministry categorizes civilian deaths into women, children, elderly, and men
"Your assertion that Gaza’s health ministry does not distinguish between fighters and civilians is misleading and half true. The UNOCHA (United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs) reports casualties in Gaza with distinctions among military-age men, children, women, and the elderly. Women, children, and the elderly are indisputably civilians, and these groups constitute the majority of the deaths in Gaza."
Read moreCJPME Advocacy framed in Toronto Sun office
After months of silence, except in National NewsMedia cases where they were forced to reply, CJPME’s media advocacy efforts have visibly impacted the Toronto Sun and their newsroom. CJPME Media Analyst Anthony Issa sent a letter criticizing the Toronto Sun for biased and Islamophobic coverage by National politics reporter Bryan Passifiume.
CJPME’s letter highlighted concerns over Passifiume’s article titled “Hillel urging universities to make campuses safe for Jews this September,” which was published on August 16, 2024. The article was criticized for its one-sided narrative, failure to include Palestinian voices, and for contributing to anti-Palestinian racism.
But instead of engaging with these serious concerns, Passifiume decided to turn social media and tweet a picture of our numerous letters of complaint which he has turned into his personal art gallery in his home office. Passifiume presented these letters as a badge of honor. However, it’s clear that CJPME's advocacy is being read by the Toronto Sun and living rent-free in their minds (and homes!).
While this reaction was unexpected, it shows how necessary our work is. All that Passifiume has shown is that some journalists take pride in the substantive allegations of racism and false claims made against them.
While Toronto Sun journalists like Warren Kinsella and Brian Lilley have also taken to social media to intimidate CJPME and launch personal attacks against our staff, we will continue to fight against racism and for fair and honest media coverage of Palestine.
You might want to cool it with the anti-Palestinian racism Bryan
"From the very first sentence, Mr. Passifiume, you present your opinion as fact. For instance, referring to groups that advocate for Palestinian rights on campus as 'anti-Israeli extremists' is not only a baseless editorialization but also defamatory. Your labeling pressures and stigmatizes Palestinians and their allies, effectively framing them as terrorist sympathizers. This characterization is not only inaccurate and harmful but also a form of anti-Palestinian racism, as defined by the Arab Canadian Lawyers Association."
Read moreThank You for highlighting boxing coach Ousama Ayoub’s story in Gaza
"Thank you, Ms. Hassan, for bringing this heartwarming narrative to light. Stories like this are essential in showcasing the resilience of the Palestinian people, who rise above Israel’s brutal occupation and ongoing genocide in Gaza. Activities like boxing are not just means of survival but powerful statements of their enduring hope and strength. Your continued coverage reveals the Palestinians’ fight for their right to exist, and it is this resilience that must be shared with the world."
Read moreLack of context and factual error in recent article
"First, this sentence: 'It also said it is fighting Hamas in Gaza, and that it ‘targets only military objectives and employs various measures to minimize harm to civilians,’' presents the IDF’s claims without appropriate skepticism. To present the Israeli army’s actions as minimizing civilian harm, without adding meaningful qualification, overlooks the broader context of Israel’s military campaign in Gaza."
Read moreWhy does your headline fail to mention that Israel killed 19 Palestinians in Gaza?
"It is very clear that CTV News has closed itself off from having meaningful dialogue with its readers. Considering this lack of responsiveness and accountability, I am curious whether there is a more useful contact at CTV News. If so, please pass it on. Otherwise, I would appreciate a direct confirmation that CTV News is not interested in engaging with constructive feedback or improving its reporting practices."
Read moreCorrection required regarding Canadian weapons exports to Israel
"According to Ms. Paling's findings, Canadian manufacturers could be exporting nearly $95 million more in military goods to Israel by the end of 2025, based on active permits currently held by Canadian companies. These permits, which total $107.7 million, include a range of controlled goods that could potentially be used in the current Israeli military siege on Gaza. It is also worth noting that several Canadian companies involved in military exports to Israel have sought to keep details of their export permits confidential through court actions."
Read moreRe: “Gaza deaths are being used as a tragic pawn” by Gwynne Dyer, July 29, 2024
"This armchair analysis and presumption of a lack of protest against the ongoing “carnage” in Gaza is ultimately decontextualized from the actual reality on the ground."
Read moreMerci pour votre article dans Le Devoir sur l'avis de la CIJ
«Malheureusement, comme le souligne Mme Bissonnette, l'avis de la Cour internationale de Justice (CIJ) a reçu très peu d'attention de la part des médias canadiens anglophones ainsi que des médias canadiens francophones.J’ai donc été soulagé que Mme Bissonnette partage aussi mes inquiétudes par rapport aux médias et je la remercie d'avoir souligné l'urgence d’action de la société civile canadienne ainsi que la communauté internationale à se pencher plus sérieusement sur la question des violations des droits des Palestiniens par Israël.»