Far-right Islamophobic group described as "mainstream" Jewish advocacy organization
"In any case, the issue here is fundamentally the double standard. That an Islamophobic, far-right pro-Israel group constitutes the “mainstream” for National Post, but a Jewish advocacy group that challenges Israel’s human rights abuses constitutes a “fringe” position. I’m not sure why National Post feels that they can fairly categorize such groups into these categories, but this letter should highlight how fraught of an effort that is for a newsroom to engage in."
Read moreFlak Toronto Sun over harmful descriptions of Independant Jewish Voices
"Toronto Sun reporter Bryan Passifiume fails to meet basic journalistic standards by sidelining diverse Jewish-Canadian perspectives. His coverage of the Ontario Public Service Employees Union's (OPSEU) decision to select Independent Jewish Voices (IJV) for antisemitism training amplifies pro-Israel voices while excluding balanced viewpoints."
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