Article is a platform for NECA
It is concerning that such an article is labeled as news, although it does not provide any perspectives other than those of the Network of Engaged Canadian Academics (NECA), especially Deidre Butler, its co-chair. This article is a platform for their views and opinions that remain unchallenged or proven throughout the article.
Read moreNational Post will be asked to identify “analysis” articles as “opinion” articles following CJPME NNC case
On December 5, 2023, CJPME sent a complaint to the NNC regarding a November 4, 2023, National Post (NP) opinion piece purporting to “debunk lies about the State of Israel.” The piece was identified as “analysis” by the NP, but CJPME considered the piece to be purely opinion. CJPME’s complaint pushed the newspaper for corrections to the piece or, at the very least, to clearly identify it as an opinion article.
On February 29, 2024, the National NewsMedia Council (NNC) ruled that: “Given that the columnist in this case often writes from a particular perspective, the NNC would support labelling similar content as opinion pieces in the future so as to clearly signal to readers that the piece is distinct from news reporting.”
This is a small step toward holding the National Post accountable and helping readers distinguish between opinion and news. CJPME will be watching closely for future articles from the same author to ensure that his single-minded dribble in blind defence of Israel is clearly labelled as “opinion” in the future.
Send a letter to National Post criticizing Stephen Harper's anti-Palestinian op-ed
The article morally defends Israel, suggesting that while Israel “could have incorporated all Palestinian territory long ago,” it hasn’t. Israel has belligerently occupied the West Bank and the Gaza Strip since June 1967, threatening to annex it several times in recent years. Claiming that a colonial Israel is morally defensible because it has not entirely annexed Palestine is outrageous.
Read moreNational Post grossly misrepresents ICJ case
The article states that the ICJ “rejected a request by South Africa to order Israel to halt its defensive war against Hamas.” It is unfair, misleading, and inaccurate to describe Israel’s war as “defensive.” This is highly editorializing language that has no place in a news article. Such language is reserved for news explicitly tagged as “opinion.”
Read moreRe: “Rob Roberts: The smell of horror in Israel's kibbutzim is hardest to forget”
"What does it say about our democracy? The true horror is that the media, which is supposed to be our vanguard of information, is no longer making individuals informed and unbiased."
Read morePalestinian voices absent in one-sided article about a pro-Palestine protest
"Please publish a correction to remove the suggestion that all protesters support the Houthi Motto as this claim is entirely uncorroborated, and add missing Palestinian perspectives."
Read moreNational Post article ignores context & reasons for protests
At no point does Casemore interview a protestor, or a pro-Palestinian organization. While the article makes frequent reference to the possibility of antisemitic, illegal, anti-Israel or hateful incidents, Casemore does not see fit to ask the protestors how they describe their protests.
Read moreArticle falsely accuses protestors as “jihadists”
"There is really only one logical conclusion, that the demonstrator is not “calling for Jihad” in a political sense, but rather referring to someone named Jihad or Jehad."
Read moreMisrepresentation of Dr. Ghazi Hamad’s statements
"It is a disservice to your readers to focus solely on the accounts of highly partisan organizations. The criticisms of these groups run far and wide."
Read moreNo Muslim voice and mention of Islamophobia in article
"I, therefore, ask you to add a Muslim voice and mention the rise in Islamophobia to make your article more balanced and fairer."
Read more