Challenge National Post for defending racist Canadian University teacher
Please help us challenge the National Post and John Ivison for an opinion article defending and misrepresenting a dehumanizing post made by a marketing professor from the University of Guelph-Humber, Paul Finlayson.
Read moreUnfair article refers to pro-Palestine protests as pro-Hamas
"It is a deliberate way to delegitimize these protests and the Palestinian cause that rallies Jewish people as well. It is a misinterpretation of these protests that are essentially calling for a ceasefire and the liberation of Palestine and Palestinians."
Read moreMisleading headline claiming command center in Al-Shifa hospital
"The headline of the article mentions that Hamas was using Al-Shifa as a command center. Yet, you don’t give any evidence to support that claim. You just relay the IDF's information about finding an air conditioning mechanism and include their picture and video, not showing anything resembling a command center but tiles, toilets, a sink, and beds."
Read moreChallenge National Post for gross ethics violations
"Please help us challenge National Post and Tristin Hopper for an article spreading misinformation about Palestine. The article violates numerous basic journalistic standards. The National Post is being either malicious or incompetent."
Read moreChallenge one-sided National post article that only cites IDF
It is unacceptable for the National Post to be publishing such biased articles and presenting them as "news." As a member of the National NewsMedia Council, the National Post is obligated to meet a basic standard. It does not even come close with this article.
Read moreUrgent need to reclassify pro-Israel "JNS" commentary NOT as "Wire Service" news
"You have run at least twenty articles on the Middle East crisis from this so-called “Wire Service” of yours since October 7, and not one has mentioned the Israeli killing of Palestinian civilians. This is not a news service; it is a source of pro-Israel commentary."
Read moreUnbalanced reporting dehumanizes Palestinian victims of violence and hate
"On Sunday, October 15, observers reeled from the arrival of anti-Palestinian violence in North America: a six-year-old Palestinian child, Wadea Al-Fayoume, was that day stabbed 26 times in Illinois, killed for no reason other than that he was Palestinian. The very next day, you decided to publish an article representing Palestinians only as a hate threat, not, as is more factually the case, as targets of Israeli and overseas hate."
Read moreRe: "Spitting at Christians is an affront to human decency and the Jewish faith”
"Alongside all Christians of conscience, I look forward to the time when Canadians will join with Palestinian Christians in the quest for an inclusive future in the land of the Holy One. Jesus is still weeping over Jerusalem."
Read moreArticle obscures the outrage of light sentencing an Israeli soldier
"However, it should be mentioned that the article’s emphasis on how uncommon it is for Israeli soldiers to be prosecuted obscures the outrage that 10 days of imprisonment is at all an adequate punishment. Human rights groups are understandably concerned by such light sentencing."
Read moreArticle obscures origins of Israeli politics of hate
"Your readers do deserve to know that Smotrich is an advocate of hate speech and hateful policy. You write that after the mob assault on Hawara earlier this year, “Smotrich said the town should be ‘erased’”; he added, which you do not mention, that it was his intention to inflict such cruelty with state powers: “the state should do it,” he said."
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