Omission of Palestinian civilian deaths in Gaza
I appreciate that you bring attention to the distress felt by the disabled siblings after they received a phone call from Israeli forces warning of an imminent airstrike on their home. Necessary mobility equipment, like wheelchairs for the disabled siblings, was left behind as they were forced to flee their homes. However, in your reporting of Israel’s airstrikes on Gaza, you mention that 15 residential blocks were destroyed without mentioning the loss of Palestinian lives.
Read moreThanks for including Palestinian perspectives and providing context on Israeli military raid in the West Bank
I was glad to see that your article provides more context than many others by mentioning the Palestinian man who was killed hours earlier in an Israeli raid on a refugee camp. This helps provide critical information that many reports chose to omit.
Read moreFailure to mention that East Jerusalem is occupied Palestinian territory
By omitting the fact that Al-Aqsa Mosque is located in East Jerusalem, which is occupied Palestinian territory, you exclude important context regarding the dynamic between Palestinians and Israeli forces, especially the oppression of Palestinians and discriminatory Israeli policies that interfere with the right to religious practices. Moreover, the omission of “occupied” in relation to East Jerusalem is inconsistent with your description of the West Bank as “Israeli-occupied,” implying that the former is not occupied.
Read moreFailure to mention the Nakba and Israel's military occupation of the West Bank
"The brief summary omits any mention of the Nakba ("catastrophe" in Arabic), when approximately 750,000 to 1 million Palestinians were expelled from their homes by Zionist militias and internally displaced to the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip. Thus, UNRWA was created in 1949 to help facilitate and provide services to this displaced population. Moreover, the reason that the agency continues to exist today is because Israel refuses to allow those refugees the right to return, in violation of international law."
Read moreNo mention of Jerusalem as occupied territory in coverage of Israeli raid on Al-Aqsa Mosque
"The legal status of East Jerusalem as occupied Palestinian territory is firmly established under international law and has been repeatedly confirmed by United Nations Security Council Resolutions. By omitting this fact, you have excluded important context that explains why the site of the Al-Aqsa Mosque is contested, and why events there can lead to an escalation of violence, as evident by the rocket strikes and Israeli violence over the last 48 hours."
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Omission of Palestinian identity in headline about Israeli violence in occupied West Bank by National Post
"Your article presents several issues that contribute to unfair and unbalanced coverage of the Israeli violence against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank. First, your headline, 'Two dead as violence in Jerusalem, West Bank simmers' should include the word Palestinian in it. Seeing as two Palestinians were killed it must be made clear in the headline."
Read moreRe: “How Israeli food became a dynamic cultural export”
"In short, Brehaut’s article 'foodwashes' Israel’s crimes against humanity. Just as Israel is increasing illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank, displacing thousands of Palestinian families from their ancestral homes, it is erasing Palestinian heritage and culture by appropriating indigenous Palestinian food."
Read moreFalsehoods on Israel's disengagement from Gaza
You will need to delete the sentence where Mr. Nisan writes, “When Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s government evicted thousands of Israelis from their homes in Gush Katif in 2005, based on a decision to withdraw from all of the Gaza Strip, the Supreme Court refused to protect the dispossessed Israelis’ human rights, property rights and even their right to protest.” This sentence apes arguments advanced by many of Israel’s right-wing leaders today, and has been repeatedly disproven
Read moreKey aspects of judicial reform delay omitted in National Post article
I insist that you update your article to note that Netanyahu agreed to establish a ‘national guard’ under Ben-Gvir as part of the compromise. Further, your reporting should also note the extremist, ultranationalist background of Itamar Ben-Givr, and the threat that his militia force poses to Palestinian citizens of Israel.
Read moreMisleading coverage of illegal Israeli settlements in Occupied West Bank by National Post
It is true that "most countries" deem Israel’s settlements in the occupied West Bank to be illegal, and it is true that Israel disagrees. However, this is not a matter of a country’s opinion. While almost every country believes that Israeli settlements are illegal, it is more relevant to point out that this is a settled consensus and legal fact as confirmed by the United Nations Security Council, the International Criminal Court, the International Court of Justice and the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention.
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