Article about pro-Palestine demonstration doesn't give voice to pro-Palestine protesters
It is your journalistic obligation to include voices from the protesters and organizers themselves to balance the record. Please include them. Otherwise, it makes it seem like the protesters were provoking Toronto Police and that its excessive use of force was justified.
Read moreThank you for giving weight to the enormous loss in Gaza
To honor them is to know them. Thank you for giving readers a glimpse into the light that floods Gaza and Palestine despite Israel’s vicious attempts at turning the lights off.
Read moreThank you for publishing opinion article about the history of Palestine and Palestinians
Thank you for publishing such an opinion article about the history of Palestine and Palestinians and for reminding the need for the West to give space to it. I hope you will continue to publish such pieces.
Read moreRe: “We are a Palestinian and a Jew from Israel and we represent a unified voice for peace”
"Giving a platform to PACBI and talking about Justice would have been more appropriate as it all starts by recognizing and dismantling Israel’s 76 years of regime."
Read moreThanks for exposing the double standard that applies to those advocating for Palestinian human rights
"Thank you for also pointing out that not only Dr. Thomson's but many other voices for Palestine are being stifled by institutions. I was especially pleased to see the link to your November 24, 2023 article, " A chill has crept into Ontario's health sector..." We can still ask the same question you asked then: "" In what world are doctors saying "stop killing" or "don't bomb hospitals" contradicting their professional, moral, or ethical obligations?" "
Read moreCorrection needed to clarify that there are examples of both Hamas and Israeli fighters engaging in combat in civilian clothing
"Your framing suggests that Hamas sometimes uses civilian clothing in combat settings, but Israel does not. This is simply not the case. I insist that you correct your article to make clear that there are examples of both Hamas and Israeli fighters engaging in combat in civilian clothing."
Read moreWhere is the Star's article about Palestinian-Canadian reactions to Monday's "Palestine Motion"?
While I can sympathize with the horror experienced by the four Canadians you interviewed for this article, good “news” journalism would have taken more care to balance the presentation of reactions to the motion. As a journalist, it is appropriate to capture the reactions of people who have a personal stake in what happens in Gaza, as you did, for ONE side.
Read moreThank you for article that stresses airdrops should be a last resort
"Your article clearly points out the many failings of airdrops, from inefficiency and unequal distribution to the real dangers they present to people on the ground. I appreciated you place the paltry amount of food aid delivered into perspective: the two US airdrops fed just 1.7% of the population a mere two meals."
Read moreArticle fails to touch on why Palestinians fear being driven out of their homeland
Given that Israel controls all air, water, and land routes into Gaza, water, food, medicine, and other essentials are incredibly limited, leaving Palestinians dehydrated, starving, and untreated for both critical injuries and preexisting conditions. These are the desperate conditions that Israel has unilaterally created, and that Palestinians are attempting to escape. Please consider updating your article accordingly and incorporating a discussion of these realities in future reporting.
Read moreTorStar undermines US Service man's motivations for self-immolation
The reporter does not provide context related to Israel’s military offensive in Gaza until the very end of the article. Even so, it remains incredibly vague. There is no mention of the number of Palestinians who have been killed by Israel or the current conditions in Gaza. Considering Bushnell’s self-immolation was in staunch opposition to Israel’s genocide of Palestinians, this is essential information to incorporate.
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