LATEST IMPACT: 2025-01-08 The Globe and Mail correct headline after CJPME advocacy efforts
On December 18, 2024, media analyst Lynn Naji wrote to The Globe and Mail regarding their headline, which read: "Mediators intensify Israel-Hamas ceasefire efforts; medics say strikes kill at least 20 Palestinians." The airstrikes in question were conducted by the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF), yet the headline removed the onus from Israel, absolving it of accountability for the deaths of at least 20 Palestinians in occupied Gaza.
Journalistic integrity and fairness, as outlined by the Canadian Association of Journalists, demand that the responsible party be clearly identified, especially when documenting acts of genocide. CJPME questioned why the article itself assigned responsibility to Israel while the headline did not. CJPME asked theGlobe and Mail to correct their headline to ensure that Israel is held accountable for the killing of over 20 Palestinians.
The next day, The Globe and Mail amended their headline to correctly state: "Israeli strikes kill at least 20 Palestinians as mediators intensify Gaza ceasefire efforts."
This is an important step toward ensuring that headlines in western media do not absolve Israel of its war crimes and crimes against humanity, and that they hold Israel fully accountable for its genocidal campaign in occupied Gaza.
At CJPME, we remain committed to challenging the media regarding their one-sided and unfair coverage of Palestine.
Click here to see other recent examples of our impact with Canadian media.
Pushing for better Middle East coverage in Canadian Media!
The Media Accountability Project (MAP) is an initiative of Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) and was created to encourage Canadian media to provide professional and fair-minded coverage on the Middle East, especially Palestine-Israel. The work of the MAP is based on professionally recognized journalistic ethics, as established by the Canadian Association of Journalists (CAJ) and the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council, which direct journalists at all levels to provide accurate, fair, independent, transparent and diverse coverage.
See our essays for in-depth explorations into common media missteps on Palestine-Israel.
Members of the Canadian public who wish to participate in the MAP's action alerts are invited to sign-up as "Media Responders." Once registered, Media Responders will receive occasional emails encouraging them to follow up with a particular journalist or news outlet to demand improvemens to coverage. Donate here to support our media accountability work!