Thanks for publishing piece questioning Canada's support for Israel

"Your article sheds light on the incongruence in Canada’s position when it comes to international law, strongly supporting Ukraine for example, while completely neglecting its principles when it comes to Israel’s egregious treatment of the Palestinians."

August 23, 2023


Neil Moss, Journalist, The Hill Times

Kate Malloy, Editor, The Hill Times

Charelle Evelyn, Editor, The Hill Times

Dear Mr. Moss, Ms. Malloy, Ms. Evelyn,

I’m writing to you on behalf of Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME, to express appreciation for the article published in The Hill Times on August 23, 2023 titled “Critics urge Ottawa to re-evaluate unwavering UN support for Israel.”

Your article sheds light on the incongruence in Canada’s position when it comes to international law, strongly supporting Ukraine for example, while completely neglecting its principles when it comes to Israel’s egregious treatment of the Palestinians.

Furthermore, we appreciate you including statements by Michael Bueckert, VP of CJPME. I would like to strongly encourage you to continue your balanced coverage of issues related to Palestine-Israel.

Should you wish, you can contact me at 438-380-5410 for more information.


Mohamed Khalaf

Director of Strategic Operations, 

Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East