RE: The campaign to silence the truth about Israel

"The most referenced definition of APR is the one that was formalized by the Arab Canadian Lawyers Association (ACLA). Benlolo writing that 'From the river to the sea [Palestine] will be free' is a 'violent Palestinian discourse calling for the genocide of the Jewish people' is a manifestation of this definition of APR."

RE: The Campaign to silence the truth about Israel

August 29, 2024

As someone who sent a letter in response to Benlolo’s column last week, I think I deserve a right of reply to his latest column that directly targets the responders, including myself. I take issue with Benlolo writing that “the Palestinian lobby [is] wielding the fabricated concept of APR [anti-Palestinian racism].” This is simply false. APR did not come from the Palestinian lobby and was not “fabricated.” It’s not because there was no word until recently to describe the racism Palestinians face that it did not exist, and its repercussions were not felt. Think about Turkey denying the Armenian genocide occurred even though it is considered a consensus.  The most referenced definition of APR is the one that was formalized by the Arab Canadian Lawyers Association (ACLA). Benlolo writing that “From the river to the sea [Palestine] will be free” is a “violent Palestinian discourse calling for the genocide of the Jewish people” is a manifestation of this definition of APR. The irony of it all is that the “River to the Sea” chant comes from Netanyahu's own Likud Party’s 1977 platform and that it is being said publicly by Israeli officials to justify Israel’s genocide in Gaza.

Fatima Haidar

Address: 580 Sainte-Croix, Suite 060, Montreal, QC H4L 3X5

T: 438-380-5410

C: 438-530-6567