"Expressing sympathy for the legitimate hopes and aspirations of the Palestinians is not antisemitic. Neither is opposing a brutal campaign of Israeli violence that has killed tens of thousands of civilians. Nevertheless, your article is written a way that suggests that they are and gives a platform to Canada’s pro-Israel lobby’s outrageous claims."
February 8, 2024
Joe Bongiorno, Reporter, CBC News
Mélissa François, Reporter, CBC News
Brodie Fenlon, News Editor-In-Chief, CBC News
Dear Mr. Bongiorno and Ms. François,
I am writing on behalf of Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East to express concern regarding an article titled “Children's author Élise Gravel rejects accusations of antisemitism as books removed from library's shelves,” published on February 8 by CBC News.
This article prioritizes pro-Israel voices and suppresses Palestinian and pro-Palestine ones.
Given that the article pertains to Elise Gravel’s books and social media presence, it would be fitting for her testimony to appear before CIJA’s Quebec vice president. And yet, CBC dedicates the first ten paragraphs to CIJA’s fabricated claims that her posts are antisemitic. Why does a pro-Israel lobbying group get to have the first word? CIJA’s claims of antisemitism are absurd and a form of anti-Palestinian racism, so prioritizing its testimony before Gravel’s is nonsensical and, frankly, poor journalism.
I’m also curious why you’ve chosen to report on the negative responses to Gravel’s posts and omitted the feelings of belonging and empowerment that her posts have elicited in Palestinians and individuals who have been staunchly opposed to Israeli apartheid. After all, a quick look at her social media posts will reveal comment sections riddled with words from supporters thanking Gravel for her informative art and “speaking for us,” one user writes.
Expressing sympathy for the legitimate hopes and aspirations of the Palestinians is not antisemitic. Neither is opposing a brutal campaign of Israeli violence that has killed tens of thousands of civilians. Nevertheless, your article is written a way that suggests that they are and gives a platform to Canada’s pro-Israel lobby’s outrageous claims.
Again, the “journalism” in this piece is lamentable, as you seem to silence one perspective and amplify another intentionally. It’s disgraceful.
Rose Mardikian,
Media Analyst, Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East