"This is a matter of your obligations as journalists, editors, and members of the National NewsMedia Council. Marking Joe Warmington’s opinion columns appropriately is a basic and non-controversial journalistic responsibility. Nothing exceptional is being asked of you other than doing your job."
March 21, 2024
Joe Warmington, Toronto Sun
Adrienne Batra, Toronto Sun
Dear Joe Warmington and Adrienne Batra,
I am writing today about a nearly-identical issue as I did yesterday. Again, Joe Warmington published an article labelled as news, but it is clearly an opinion article. “Heckling of Jewish city councillor at soccer meeting a new low” should be properly labelled as opinion.
Again, I do not believe that it is necessary to spell out all of the reasons why this should not be marked as news. It is obvious. Here is just one glaring example of opinion:
Whether it’s at a comedy club, restaurant, synagogue, school, basketball game, train station or even on the roadway, there seems to be a group of anti-Semites trying to make life a living hell for Jews. It’s a dark period in Toronto’s history. Not since the time of Hitler has there been anything like the daily public displays of anti-Semitism that we see today.
This is a matter of your obligations as journalists, editors, and members of the National NewsMedia Council. Marking Joe Warmington’s opinion columns appropriately is a basic and non-controversial journalistic responsibility. Nothing exceptional is being asked of you other than doing your job.
Please respond to confirm receipt of this email and explain how you will resolve this issue.
Jason Toney
Director of Media Advocacy, Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East