National Post publishes "news" article claiming that Bethlehem isn't in Palestine

One of National Post’s most recent op-eds mislabeled as news claims that referring to Jerusalem and Bethlehem as being in Palestine "rewrites and erases Jewish history." The author, Adrian Humphreys, makes other bold claims that unfortunately conflate anti-Zionism and antisemitism. Please take the time to write to Humphreys and Rob Roberts at National Post to condemn this kind of biased, bigoted, and anti-Palestinian reporting.

Poor coverage - Media outlet to be critiqued

A CJPME Media Researcher has launched a media alert for the following article. Please submit a quick response to the media, even if it’s just a sentence or two:

Title of Piece: Adrian Humphreys: “Ontario mom pulls Jewish daughter out of high school after antisemitic ‘culture’ event”

Media Outlet: National Post
Click here to access the piece on-line. If the article is behind a media paywall, click here to view the article in PDF format.

Comments of the CJPME Media Researcher:
(Note: Please do not copy and paste the material below as the content to your message to the media - put all comments in your own words):
One of National Post’s most recent op-eds mislabeled as news claims that referring to Jerusalem and Bethlehem as being in Palestine "rewrites and erases Jewish history." The author, Adrian Humphreys, makes other bold claims that unfortunately conflate anti-Zionism and antisemitism. Please take the time to write to Humphreys and Rob Roberts at National Post to condemn this kind of biased, bigoted, and anti-Palestinian reporting.

  • Incorrectly labeled as news, this article states opinions as facts as early as the headline: “Ontario mom pulls Jewish daughter out of high school after antisemitic ‘culture’ event.” Whether a school’s “Arts & Culture” event celebrating Palestinian culture and geography can be considered antisemitic is subjective and reporting it as fact in a news article is journalistically irresponsible and dishonest.
  • This article fails to contextualize one of the mother’s quotes where she states that the map of Israel was “relabeled as Palestine…there was information such as Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine, Bethlehem is in Palestine…erasing Jewish history and rewriting history.” Jerusalem, Occupied East Jerusalem in particular, is generally accepted as Palestine’s capital city. Bethlehem is a Palestinian town in the occupied West Bank. Including a quote falsely claiming that Bethlehem and Jerusalem are not part of Palestine signifies the deliberate spread of misinformation or poor research. It also requires a clarification.
  • More generally, the article lacks balance insofar as there are no local pro-Palestinian or Palestinian perspectives to share their piece regarding the school’s “Arts & Culture” event. By excluding these critical voices, accusations of antisemitism are left unchallenged, further perpetuating the dangerous conflation of anti-Zionism and antisemitism.

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