A simple, exemplary article in Sarnia Observer deserves recognition

The article provides the exact kind of context we advocate for in coverage of pro-Palestine demonstrations, including mentioning the Nakba, the ICJ ruling that Israel is possibly committing genocide in Gaza, and the inclusion of pro-Palestine perspectives. Please help us extend our thanks to encourage more of this fair journalism.

Good coverage - Media outlet to be thanked

A CJPME Media Researcher has launched a media alert for the following article. Please submit a quick response to the media, even if it’s just a sentence or two:

Title of Piece: Tyler Kula: “Sarnia group marks one year of protests”

Media Outlet: The Sarnia Observer
Click here to access the piece on-line.

Click here to access the PDF version.

Comments of the CJPME Media Researcher:
(Note: Please do not copy and paste the material below as the content to your message to the media - put all comments in your own words):
The Sarnia Observer published an excellent piece covering the event where about 15 members of Sarnians for Palestine demonstrated at the corner of Wellington Street and Finch Drive in Sarnia on Tuesday, October 8th. The article provides the exact kind of context we advocate for in coverage of pro-Palestine demonstrations, including mentioning the Nakba, the ICJ ruling that Israel is possibly committing genocide in Gaza, and the inclusion of pro-Palestine perspectives. Please help us extend our thanks to encourage more of this fair journalism.

  • The article rightly points out that October 7th didn’t “begin hostilities between Palestine and Israel.” Too often, Canadian media start the timeline on October 7th, failing to acknowledge that Israel has subjected Gaza to a suffocating 16-year blockade. For decades, Israeli settlers have looted Palestinian land, attacked civilians, and forcibly expelled Palestinians from their homeland. Providing this context is essential for readers to understand Israel's decades-long occupation of Gaza.
  • The article mentions the Nakba, which means “catastrophe” in Arabic, where Israel forcibly expelled 700,000 Palestinians, massacred 15,000 and destroyed approximately 500 Palestinian towns, which led to the establishment of the State of Israel on stolen 4,244776 acres of Palestinian land in 1948. Mentioning the Nakba is crucial to understanding Israel’s history of dispossession and violent occupation in Palestine.
  • Finally, the article rightly notes that the International Court of Justice (ICJ) has ruled it plausible that Israel is committing genocide and has established six provisional measures. Highlighting the ICJ’s ruling is crucial for readers to understand that Israel has not been waging a “counter-offensive” in Gaza; it has been committing genocide for the past year.

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Thank you very much. Every response makes a difference.

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