The Hill Times gets strong visibility on Parliament Hill, and we expect that the article will be attacked harshly by pro-Israel groups. So please consider encouraging the Hill Times to continue reporting on these issues.
Good coverage - Media outlet to be thanked A CJPME Media Researcher has launched a media alert for the following article. Please submit a quick response to the media, even if it’s just a sentence or two: Title of Piece: The Hill Times: "Critics urge Ottawa to re-evaluate unwavering UN support for Israel" Media Outlet: The Hill Times Comments of the CJPME Media Researcher: Journalist Neil Moss quoted CJPME Vice President Michael Bueckert several times throughout the Hill Times piece. Here is an excerpt: CJPME vice-president Michael Bueckert said that an ICJ legal opinion would be crucial in providing direction to the international community over concerns of Israel’s conduct in the occupied territories. He added that Canada’s response lacks a “sense of a strong moral case or strategic case or any forceful case against the ICJ resolution,” remarking that Canada has pointed to “minor” procedural qualms. “I don’t think these are real legitimate arguments. It shows that Canada doesn’t have a strong case against it—that it is just going through the motions,” he said, adding that it is part of Canada’s “broader trend” of support for Israel at the UN and on the international stage. “Canada has decided that its role is to support Israel in blocking or shutting down these attempts,” he said. “It’s absolutely an embarrassment to Canada that this is the approach that Canada has taken. It’s really unfortunate and hypocritical given Canada’s strong support for international law, in other cases such as Russia and Ukraine.” If you are not a subscriber to the Hill Times, you can pick up a physical copy of the August 23 edition to read the full article. The Hill Times gets strong visibility on Parliament Hill, and we expect that the article will be attacked harshly by pro-Israel groups. So please consider encouraging the Hill Times to continue reporting on these issues. Please click here to launch an email in which you can draft a response to this media coverage. If you have any problems, please email [email protected]. Thank you very much. Every response makes a difference. The CJPME Media Centre Team |