Please help us thank CBC and Evan Dyer for informative and thorough article about the word ‘Human Shield.’ Dyer contextualizes its use (and abuse) with the backdrop of the situation in Gaza.
Good coverage - Media outlet to be thanked
A CJPME Media Researcher has launched a media alert for the following article. Please submit a quick response to the media, even if it’s just a sentence or two:
Title of Piece: Evan Dyer: "In the line of fire: In Gaza, anyone can wind up a ‘human shield’"
Media Outlet: CBC - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
Click here to access the piece online
Comments of the CJPME Media Researcher:
(Note: Please do not copy and paste the material below as the content to your message to the media - put all comments in your own words):
Please help us thank CBC and Evan Dyer for informative and thorough article about the word ‘Human Shield.’ Dyer contextualizes its use (and abuse) with the backdrop of the situation in Gaza.
Here are points Dyer makes that you can mention in your letter:
- Dyer gives information about the origins of the word ‘human shield’ and gives voice to an International Law professor who is skeptical of Israel’s allegations of widespread Palestinian use of “human shields.”
- Dyer brings up good questions about Israel’s allegations that Hamas uses “human shields” and the counterbalancing legal concept of “proportionality” which should restrain Israel.
- Dyer points out that nobody accuses Israel of using “human shields” when attacked by Hamas rockets even though Israel’s military command centres are located in large Israeli cities.
- Dyer also cites the many examples of the Israeli army using human shields, citing Israel’s well-documented ‘neighbor procedure’ as an example.
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Thank you very much. Every response makes a difference.
The CJPME Media Centre Team
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