Re: “Sinead O’Connor’s road to Islam serves as an inspiration”

"What’s alarming is not simply how far Ben Gvir is willing to go to block events that promote peace, it is that, despite all this, he has risen to one of Israel’s highest posts." Continue reading


Factual errors and harmful language about Israel's invasion of the Jenin refugee camp

"While it is alarming to see such clearcut false statements in print, it is equally concerning that there is such defamatory language used toward Palestinians. Walker’s definition of terrorism is confounding, as he is talking about groups in Jenin that were actively resisting an Israeli military invasion." Continue reading


Re: “Jewish leaders’ message for Hamilton MPP Sara Jama”

"BDS is often maligned as an antisemitic movement, but the BDS movement, in its own words, “upholds the simple principle that Palestinians are entitled to the same rights as the rest of humanity.” The movement was inspired by the boycott of South African apartheid, and simply upholds the human rights of Palestinians." Continue reading


Article fails to include essential context about Likud and its views on Palestinian statehood

"Because of the above sentence, and the language used in the article in general, many readers would presumably conclude that Edelstein and his Likud party or Israel's governing coalition, then, might be flexible on the issue of Palestinian statehood. This is, however, not the case at all, and readers ought to know." Continue reading


News segment fails to provide balanced description of Palestinian Fatah party

"By describing Fatah as mainstream, you are suggesting that their policies are somehow ‘normal’ or dominant, and others would not be. That is neither fair nor entirely true, and fails to provide listeners with accurate or relevant information." Continue reading


Article inaccurately refers to Palestinian citizens of Israel as "Arab-Israelis"

"Your use of the terms “Arab” and “Arab-Israeli,” instead of “Palestinian citizens of Israel” is puzzling. You mention throughout your reporting that these “Arabs” are descendants of Palestinians and self-identify as Palestinian citizens of Israel. Why then do you choose to dilute their identity by constantly referring to them as Arabs?" Continue reading


Failure to specify that East Jerusalem is "occupied" rather than "disputed" Palestinian territory

"Your description legitimizes Ben-Gvir’s extremist position, which is out of step with the vast majority of the international community, let alone human rights groups, or Canadian foreign policy. Ben-Gvir is a member of Otzma Yehudit (Jewish Power), which is a far-right and racist party with origins in Kahanism, a fascist and terroristic movement which calls for the expulsion of Palestinians from Israel." Continue reading


Re: “Israel – the end of democracy?”

"While Gwynne Dyer goes in depth analyzing Israel’s “democracy” and the reasons behind the protests against the judicial reforms, I would posit that Israel is not, and never was a democracy in the first place." Continue reading


Re:“Canada’s feeble response gives green light to West Bank annexation”

"The prime minister continues to assert that Canada will always remain a “steadfast friend” to Israel. Maybe then, the Prime Minister should help his “friend” to become a responsible member of the international community, rather than an apartheid regime of oppression." Continue reading


Thanks for reporting on the impact of Israel’s judicial changes on Palestinians under Israeli rule

"It is therefore entirely appropriate, and indeed necessary, for Global National to have reported on the impact of Israel’s judicial changes on Palestinians under Israeli rule. This reporting should necessarily include the impact on the 1.6 million Palestinians who hold second-class Israeli citizenship, as well as the 5.2 million Palestinians under Israeli military occupation in East Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza." Continue reading