Misrepresentation of occupied Jerusalem's Old City by Global News

"This essential context is necessary for readers to be able to understand the nature of the ‘tensions’ and violence by Israeli forces in occupied East Jerusalem. Omitting the fact that the Al-Aqsa Mosque is in occupied Palestinian territory may advertently mislead readers into thinking that the mosque is located within Israel’s recognized borders, especially due to the references to 'Israeli police.' Further, readers may also be confused since your reporting maintains that the recent shooting attack against Israelis took place in the 'occupied West Bank,' whereas you do not use the same characterization for occupied East Jerusalem."

April 7, 2023


Isabel Debre, Journalist, Associated Press

Josef Federman, News Director (Jerusalem), Associated Press

Amanda Connolly, Managing Editor of Politics & Breaking News, Global News

Rebecca Joseph, Online Managing Editor, Global News


Dear Ms. Debre, Mr. Federman, Ms. Connolly and Ms. Joseph,

I’m writing to you on behalf of Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME, https://www.cjpme.org) to request an immediate correction regarding your news article titled “Two Israelis killed in West Bank shooting amid rising tensions,” published by Global News (Associated Press) online on April 7, 2023.

I appreciate your coverage of the recent attack by Israeli forces against Palestinian worshippers in the Al-Aqsa Mosque as well as Israel’s airstrikes on Gaza and Lebanon. It is crucial for Canadian audiences to be aware of recent violence in the region. However, your reporting omits key and critical information, and this error must be corrected.

Your article fails to specify that the Al-Aqsa Mosque is in fact in occupied East Jerusalem which is considered occupied Palestinian territory. This is not an opinion but a matter of settled consensus at the international level as confirmed by the United Nations Security Council, the International Criminal Court, the International Court of Justice, and the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention.

This essential context is necessary for readers to be able to understand the nature of the ‘tensions’ and violence by Israeli forces in occupied East Jerusalem. Omitting the fact that the Al-Aqsa Mosque is in occupied Palestinian territory may advertently mislead readers into thinking that the mosque is located within Israel’s recognized borders, especially due to the references to “Israeli police.” Further, readers may also be confused since your reporting maintains that the recent shooting attack against Israelis took place in the “occupied West Bank,” whereas you do not use the same characterization for occupied East Jerusalem.

As such, I insist that you make a correction to the online version of the article to note that the Old City of Jerusalem, including the Al-Aqsa Mosque, is located in East Jerusalem, which is occupied Palestinian territory according to international law.

Thank you in advance for making these changes. Should you wish, you can contact me at 438-380-5410 for more information.


Reem Majid

Policy Analyst, Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East