Yahoo News article highlights Jewish & Muslim voices condemning Israeli violence against Palestinian worshippers

On April 6, Yahoo News published an opinion article by Elianna Lev titled “Canada can no longer stand on the sidelines: Politicians, Jewish, Muslim groups condemn attack at Al-Aqsa mosque.” The article includes a variety of perspectives including Muslim and Jewish Canadians condemning the Israeli forces' brutal attack against Palestinian worshippers in occupied Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque. The article also quotes community leaders and activists such as Aaron Lakoff from Independent Jewish Voices as well as the National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM).

Good coverage - Media outlet to be thanked

A CJPME Media Researcher has launched a media alert for the following article. Please submit a quick response to the media, even if it’s just a sentence or two:

Title of Piece: Elianna Lev: “'Canada can no longer stand on the sidelines': Politicians, Jewish, Muslim groups condemn attack at Al-Aqsa mosque”

Media Outlet: Yahoo News
Click here to access the piece online

Comments of the CJPME Media Researcher:
(Note: Please do not copy and paste the material below as the content to your message to the media - put all comments in your own words):
On April 6, Yahoo News published an opinion article by Elianna Lev titled “Canada can no longer stand on the sidelines: Politicians, Jewish, Muslim groups condemn attack at Al-Aqsa mosque.” The article includes a variety of perspectives including Muslim and Jewish Canadians condemning the Israeli forces' brutal attack against Palestinian worshippers in occupied Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque. The article also quotes community leaders and activists such as Aaron Lakoff from Independent Jewish Voices as well as the National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM). Please take the time to thank journalist Elianna Lev and Daniel Klaidman, the Editor-in-Chief of Yahoo News, for highlighting these important perspectives championing Palestinian rights.

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