"When mentioning the Jenin refugee camp, we must remember that it is exactly that; a “refugee camp”. The people living there are refugees who have been displaced from their homes and have been under periodic attacks by the Israeli military. The “militants” you mentioned are actually refugees defending themselves from the Israeli military invasions which have indiscriminately targeted men, women and children."
July 3, 2023
Steve Bartlett, Senior Managing Editor, SaltWire
Bradley Works, Managing Editor, SaltWire
Brian Moss, Reuters
Dan Williams, Journalist, Reuters
Ali Sawafta, Journalist, Reuters
Dear Mr. Bartlett, Mr. Works, Mr. Moss, Mr. Williams, Mr. Sawafta
I’m writing on behalf of Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME, https://www.cjpme.org) to express concerns regarding an article published in Saltwire dated July 2, 2023 titled “Israeli troops and drones hit Jenin in major West Bank operation”.
While I appreciate the variety of Palestinian sources in the article, I believe that some of the language used is inaccurate or misleading.
When mentioning the Jenin refugee camp, we must remember that it is exactly that; a “refugee camp”. The people living there are refugees who have been displaced from their homes and have been under periodic attacks by the Israeli military. The “militants” you mentioned are actually refugees defending themselves from the Israeli military invasions which have indiscriminately targeted men, women and children.
In addition, the use of the word “captured” when referring to Israel’s military occupation of the West Bank in 1967 is inaccurate. Israel in fact “occupied” this territory. Using the word “captured” may mislead your readers into thinking that Israel has a strong claim to the Palestinian territories.
For more information on why we view this distinction to be essential, I invite you to read our essay titled “Why the West Bank is “occupied” and not “Captured” at the following address: https://www.cjpmemap.ca/why_the_west_bank_is_occupied_and_not_captured . Alternatively, the article is below my signature for your convenience.
Should you wish to discuss this further, please do not hesitate to contact me at 438-380-5410.
Mohamed Khalaf
Director of Strategic Operations, Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East