"While I understand that these segments must be kept brief, and that even the AP is using the language of “hunting” militants, it is nonetheless an alarming and defamatory statement from the Canadian Press. Such a description is also highly misleading, as Israel has launched a large-scale invasion of a Palestinian refugee camp and has already killed and injured numerous civilians. During the last raid on Jenin, Israeli forces killed Sadeel Turkman, a 15-year-old Palestinian child who was shot in the head by an Israeli Sniper. Sadeel is just one of many who have either been killed or badly wounded, with some being in critical condition."
July 4, 2023
Dawn Kelly, Reporter, The Canadian Press,
Andrea Bailie, Editor-in-Chief, The Canadian Press
Dear Ms. Kelly, Ms. Bailie,
I’m writing on behalf of Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME, https://www.cjpme.org) to express concerns regarding a statement on the situation in the Jenin refugee camp in a CJKL FM radio segment dated July 4, 2023 around 8:30 AM. The segment was produced by Dawn Kelly of the Canadian Press.
Your brief segment states:
“Hundreds of Israeli troops are pressing ahead with their hunt for Palestinian militants and weapons in a West Bank refugee camp for a second day.”
While I understand that these segments must be kept brief, and that even the AP is using the language of “hunting” militants, it is nonetheless an alarming and defamatory statement from the Canadian Press. Such a description is also highly misleading, as Israel has launched a large-scale invasion of a Palestinian refugee camp and has already killed and injured numerous civilians. During the last raid on Jenin, Israeli forces killed Sadeel Turkman, a 15-year-old Palestinian child who was shot in the head by an Israeli Sniper. Sadeel is just one of many who have either been killed or badly wounded, with some being in critical condition.
All of this could have been captured in a similarly brief segment. Such poor reporting is inexcusable.
I would ask that your reporting on the Israeli assault on Jenin be more thorough going forward and include the Palestinian perspectives, rather than just that of the Israeli military who claim that they are “hunting militants.”
Mohamed Khalaf
Director of Strategic Operations, Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East