Article fails to challenge Board Chair Fred Fuchs‘ comments

"The fact that you publish his words saying that the film presents one point of view is disappointing as his words are the equivalence of people choosing to stay silent on the genocide we are seeing unfolding in front of our eyes in Gaza."

December 1, 2023


Samantha Beattie, Reporter, CBC News

Nancy Waugh, Sr. Manager, CBC

Dear Samantha Beattie and Nancy Waugh,

I am writing to express concern about your article: “Hamilton theatre cancels film critical of Israel, board says it’s the wrong time to court controversy,” published on November 30 in CBC News.

The fact that you published Board Chair Fred Fuchsʼ comments without challenging him is disappointing.

I found two quotes from him deeply unsettling.

First, you quote him saying: “The problem is so complex, if they show one film and one point of view, it’s not appropriate.” This is the same kind of excuse we hear from people who are not aware of what is happening in Palestine, saying it’s a complex issue. The fact that you publish his words saying that the film presents one point of view is disappointing as his words are the equivalence of people choosing to stay silent on the genocide we are seeing unfolding in front of our eyes in Gaza.

Second, you write that he called Independent Jewish Voices (IJV) a “fringe group” that wouldn’t have presented a “balanced dialogue” about what’s happening in the region. This is insulting to this group, as it is not a fringe group. It has been one of the most vocal and respectable Jewish organizations promoting the liberation of Palestinians and peace between Jews and Palestinians.

To respect your fundamental journalistic obligation of fairness and balance, I suggest adding information about IJV.

I hope CBC will make this change and cover local events regarding Palestine-Israel in a fair and balanced manner.


Fatima Haidar,

Media Analyst, Canadians for Justice and Peace in the