Re: "Palestinian Canadians race against time and each other as Gazan visa cap threatens hope of family reunification."

"These are the same authorities who have been accused of imposing an apartheid system on Palestinians  and  now of committing genocide. Israel should have no say  in deciding whose family members should be allowed to come to Canada."

Jan 16, 2024

Dear Editor, 

Mr Benson's informative article clearly  shows the  shortcomings of Canada's new visa program for Palestinian family reunifications.  Applications are considered on a first-come, first-serve basis and the 1000 person cap has resulted in a cruel "race against time" and other Palestinian Canadians. 

Immigration lawyers inform us that  'unprecedented ' levels of security details are required.   These details  have not been expected of any other group including those applying for permanent residency. As almost all Gazans are now displaced and  telecommunications and internet  are only sporadically available,  having to gather and communicate all this information will present a serious barrier.

In comparison, Canada's emergency travel measures for Ukrainians following Russia's invasion in 2022  had no cap and at least 616,000 applications were approved. Proportionally this would work out to 30,000 from Gaza. Canada also provided financial support and two weeks of temporary accommodation. Moreover, the program was not restricted to family members of Canadians but any Ukrainian national and their family members could apply.

Ya'ara Saks stated  that applications undergo a final  review by Israeli authorities.

These are the same authorities who have been accused of imposing an apartheid system on Palestinians and now of committing genocide. Israel should have no say  in deciding whose family members should be allowed to come to Canada.

Despite the  existence of a neo Nazi group in the country, all Ukrainians were not considered security threats. Appropriately so. But all  Palestinians are.

A clear example of antiPalestinian racism and  a double standard. 

Renée Nunan-Rappard