Re: “When extremist activists drive the left to oblivion, what will remain?”

"Israel, good. Left, bad. Multiculturalism, dangerous. You get the idea. It epitomizes the partisanship so prevalent in our society, a polarization that depends on the disposal of critical thought. While this screed may appear more elegant than those echoing on anonymous internet forums, it is not much different."

January 30, 2024

Plastering posters and tossing red washable paint on a window is an act of civil disobedience. It is not particularly extreme or aggressive relative to any protests of the last hundred years. It reads as more or less par for the course. And yet, the author of this article describes it in the following terms, “the alleged perpetrators attacked a Jewish business on the anniversary of Kristallnacht.” Even in an era defined by sensationalism, this strikes anyone familiar with the real story of the “Indigo 11” as especially exaggerated. I invite readers to assess the facts of the case. 

At its core, the mishmash of distorted data points presented in this column all serve pre-existing conclusions. Israel, good. Left, bad. Multiculturalism, dangerous. You get the idea. It epitomizes the partisanship so prevalent in our society, a polarization that depends on the disposal of critical thought. While this screed may appear more elegant than those echoing on anonymous internet forums, it is not much different.