Thanks for showing the depth of the suffering & losses that Palestinians are experiencing

"Thank you again for a well-researched and informative article. It demonstrated the depth of the suffering and losses that Palestinians are experiencing - losses that extend beyond the physical loss of life and property."

March 2, 2024

Dear Ms. Gupta and Mr. Goerzen,

I am writing on behalf of Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) to thank you for the article by Priya Gupta titled:INTERNATIONAL VIEWPOINT: Does the destruction of homes in Gaza constitute genocide? posted on your website on March 26.

The article clearly illustrated  how ‘home’ to a Palestinian represents more than a ‘physical space’ or dwelling. It is a symbol of family, of national identity, of culture and of relationship to the land.  Using a variety of sources including international law, you presented a credible case that Israel is intentionally comiting genocide through the destruction of Palestinian homes.

Thank you again for a well-researched and informative article. It demonstrated the depth of the suffering and losses that Palestinians are experiencing - losses that extend beyond the physical loss of life and property.


Debbie Hubbard


Kelowna, British Columbia