Re:“Young voices on campuses rally for peace and justice in Palestine”

"The suffocating, racist fog created by Western reporting of international conflicts is difficult to escape. Physical remoteness, paired with the imperious noise generated by major media outlets, repeatedly sheds doubt on our intuition that a grave injustice is being enabled and committed. Encampments that have spread like wildfire all over the world, however, have increased everyone’s proximity to the war machine’s wrath."

May 9, 2024
The schism between what happens and what is told has always been vast. With burgeoning social media and major media outlets gradually losing their monopoly on the dissemination of information, people have continued to build the bridge between reality and the fabricated narrative. The suffocating, racist fog created by Western reporting of international conflicts is difficult to escape. Physical remoteness, paired with the imperious noise generated by major media outlets, repeatedly sheds doubt on our intuition that a grave injustice is being enabled and committed. Encampments that have spread like wildfire all over the world, however, have increased everyone’s proximity to the war machine’s wrath. Each encampment, strung together only by an insatiable pursuit for Palestinian liberation, has been brutalized and abused by those who uphold and benefit from the state of Israel’s Zionist project. It doesn’t take long for activists to rebuild their encampments and secure their perimeters after having their hands zip-tied behind their backs and their tents torn apart. As encampments pop up in most North American cities, the fog clears and people can finally realize that the same imperialist fury that has dispossessed and murdered Palestinians for over 75 years is the same fury that violently brutalizes opposers of their genocide.

Rose Mardikian,