One-Sided Coverage by CTV News Montreal on SSMU Palestine Solidarity Policy

"Mr. Lofaro’s reporting is devoid of any pro-Palestinian or
Palestinian perspectives whether from SSMU, the McGill encampment or of any
Palestinian advocacy groups. It only features the viewpoints of pro-Israel groups without
offering a platform to pro-Palestinian advocates. This omission creates an imbalance and
fails to present the full scope of the issue, leaving readers with a limited understanding of
the situation."

May 24, 2024


Joe Lofaro, Digital Reporter, CTV Montreal

Chris Bury, Director of News & Public Affairs, Operations Manager, CTV News

Dear Mr. Lofaro and Mr. Bury,

I am writing to express my concern regarding the article titled "Quebec judge's ruling prevents McGill student union from adopting pro-Palestinian policy" published by CTV Montreal on May 23, 2024. The article presents a one-sided narrative, omits critical information on the Students' Society of McGill University (SSMU) Palestine Solidarity Policy and fails to provide a fair or balanced perspective by excluding Montreal-Palestinian perspectives from the story.

To start with, the article's framing is problematic. The opening sentence mentions that the SSMU policy was proposed "weeks after the Hamas-led attack of Oct. 7 on Israeli settlements." This framing not only simplifies the reasons why SSMU proposed the policy in the first place but also fails to acknowledge the Israeli Defense Force also attacked Israeli civilians fleeing Gaza and also at a music festival near the strip.

Please clarify that Israel was responsible for the murder of numerous Israeli civilians on Oct.7.

Secondly, the article lacks crucial context regarding B’nai B’rith Canada and depicts this organization inaccurately. B’nai B’rith is not just a Jewish rights organization, but a self-prescribed “staunch defender of the State of Israel,” according to their website. B’nai Brith Canada is a pro-Israel advocacy organization and should not be conflated as a monolithic institution that represents all Jewish voices or perspectives in Canada.

I insist that Mr. Lofaro clarify that B’nai B’rith is not just a Jewish organization but also a pro-Israel organization in your article.

I highly recommend that Mr. Lofaro add this to his initial description of B’nai Brith Canada as it seems he hasn’t done enough background research on the organization. As an Israel lobbying organization, B’nai B’rith has an obvious vested interest in the outcome of this policy debate that benefits the pro-Israel side. Including this information would provide readers with a better understanding of the motivations behind the statements made by B’nai B’rith’s Quebec Regional Director Hank Topas, who is quoted by Mr. Lofaro as “applauding” the court's decision.

Another flaw of Mr. Lofaro’s reporting is that the article is devoid of any pro-Palestinian or Palestinian perspectives whether from SSMU, the McGill encampment or of any Palestinian advocacy groups. It only features the viewpoints of pro-Israel groups without offering a platform to pro-Palestinian advocates. This omission creates an imbalance and fails to present the full scope of the issue, leaving readers with a limited understanding of the situation.

We insist that articles by Mr. Lofaro on Gaza include perspectives of Pro-Palestinian advocates.

More context is also necessary. The article states that the policy was proposed weeks after the Hamas-led attack of Oct. 7, yet it omits the broader context of the ongoing Genocide and siege on Gaza by the Israeli military since that date. To accurately inform readers, it is crucial to include details about the military onslaught that has fueled calls for SSMU’ Palestine Solidarity policy. As a journalist, it is your responsibility to explain why students at SSMU are calling Israel’s actions in Gaza a genocide and to include the circumstances (i.e., Israel’s effective occupation of Gaza since 2005) that led to the events of Oct. 7. 

Providing this information is essential for readers to understand the foundation and urgency of the proposed policy.

Mr. Lofaro article needs a significant overhaul for a more balanced approach that includes perspectives from all sides involved in this issue and provides comprehensive context. As it stands, the piece falls short of the journalistic standards expected of CTV News Montreal.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I cannot stress enough that you consider these points and that Mr. Lofaro make the necessary revisions to ensure a fair and balanced representation of this important issue.


Anthony Issa 

Media Analyst

Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East