Globe and Mail op-ed makes absurd arguments against genocide claims

Please join us in challenging a one-sided op-ed by Rosalie Abella that promotes false claims and blames Palestinians for their own suffering.

Poor coverage – Media outlet to be critiqued

A CJPME Media Researcher has launched a media alert for the following article. Please submit a quick response to the media, even if it’s just a sentence or two:

Title of Piece: Rosalie Abella: “The genocide case against Israel is an abuse of the postwar legal order”

Media Outlet: Globe and Mail
Click here to access the piece on-line

Comments of the CJPME Media Researcher:
(Note: Please do not copy and paste the material below as the content to your message to the media - put all comments in your own words):
Please join us in challenging a one-sided op-ed by Rosalie Abella that promotes false claims and blames Palestinians for their own suffering.

  • Abella makes unrelated complaints about South Africa’s prior involvement with the International Criminal Court in an effort to delegitimize their ICJ case.  The merits of South Africa's case do not depend on South Africa's past behaviour.  
  • Abella’s fails to mention that South Africa’s case is supported by several countries.  This perpetuates the idea that claims of Israel’s committing genocide are isolated and unfounded. 
  • Abella’s description of Hamas’s supposed goal excludes critical context. Hamas is dedicated to the liberation of Palestine and resistance to Israel’s military occupation. Since 2004 Hamas leaders have repeatedly and consistently stated that they would accept a peace agreement based on an Israeli withdrawal to the 1967 borders (i.e. the Green Line). 
  • Abella describes the present situation as “perverse” because Israel must defend itself from allegations of genocide.  Israel should face scrutiny just as any country engaged in war should.  Israel is not "off the hook" on war crimes or genocide charges simply because of the Holocaust. 

Since we've included the email for submitting letters to the editor, you may consider writing your letter such that it could be published in the letters section. The Globe and Mail asks for letters of 150 words or less.

Please click here to launch an email in which you can draft a response to this media coverage. 

If you have any problems, please email [email protected].

Thank you very much. Every response makes a difference.

The CJPME Media Centre Team
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