Person who was filmed shouting "Heil Hitler" is not a pro-Palestine protester

"It is unfair to describe this person as a protester as they don’t seem to be related to the pro-Palestine protesters. In the video, they are told by pro-Palestine protesters to stop, and pro-Palestine protesters are seen trying to usher them away. They don’t seem to be affiliated with any side, and it is most likely a case of a racist agitator wanting to cast a bad light on the pro-Palestine protesters’ side."

July 5, 2024


Colin McGarrigle, Executive Editor, Regina Leader-Post   

Greg Harder, Senior Editor, Regina Leader-Post

Dear Colin McGarrigle and Greg Harder,

I am writing to express concern about the article, “Court orders anti-Israel protesters to take down University of Toronto,” published on July 2 in Regina Leader-Post.

I want to point out three main issues in your article.

First, it is profoundly misleading for you to label this article as “news” and that it comes from the Canadian Press when it is very different from the Canadian Press’s original article. A lot of additional information provided in the article comes from the National Post.  

The fact that the Canadian Press logo is the first thing your readers see will mislead them into thinking it is all Canadian Press when it isn’t. The headline from Canadian Press’s original article reads, “Court orders protesters to take down UofT encampment.” However, Regina Leader-Post’s headline reads: “Court orders anti-Israel protesters to take down University of Toronto encampment.” Your readership is misled into thinking that Canadian Press is the one who came up with this headline when it isn’t, it was an editorial decision.

I, therefore, suggest removing “anti-Israel” from your headline or labeling it as “National Post with information from The Canadian Press” so as not to further mislead your readers.

Second, you write: “B’nai Brith was granted intervenor status in the case, along with Hillel Ontario, UJA Federation of Greater Toronto, Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center, the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, and other Jewish organizations.”

You describe B’nai Brith, Hillel Ontario, UJA Federation of Greater Toronto, Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center, and Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA) as Jewish organizations, which is misleading.

Bnai Brith Canada is a self-prescribed “staunch defender of the State of Israel,” according to their website

Hillel International describes itself in the following terms:

“We envision a world where every student is inspired to make an enduring commitment to Jewish life, learning, and Israel…. To achieve our mission and vision, our work focuses on core facets of Jewish life including Jewish learning, holiday and Shabbat celebration, arts and culture and building a meaningful, ongoing relationship with Israel.”

UJA Federation of Greater Toronto’s mission is, amongst others, to: “invest in Israel and overseas, and promote Jewish/Israel advocacy.”

Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center’s main advocacy pillar is “Standing with Israel.”

One of CIJA’s three main priority areas is “strengthening the Canada-Israel Friendship.” A review of the Federal Issues Guide on their website suggests that CIJA can be best described as a pro-Israel advocacy organization.

These organizations should be best described as pro-Israel organizations, please update your article accordingly.

Third, you write: “One protester was filmed shouting ‘Heil Hitler.’”

It is unfair to describe this person as a protester as they don’t seem to be related to the pro-Palestine protesters. In the video, they are told by pro-Palestine protesters to stop, and pro-Palestine protesters are seen trying to usher them away. They don’t seem to be affiliated with any side, and it is most likely a case of a racist agitator wanting to cast a bad light on the pro-Palestine protesters’ side. You even write that: “In his ruling, Ontario Superior Court Justice Markus Koehnen said […] there is no evidence the encampment participants have been violent or antisemitic.”

I, therefore, suggest changing “protester” to “unaffiliated agitator” as it smears the pro-Palestine protesters.

I hope Regina Leader-Post will make these changes and consider my suggestions in its future reporting on pro-Palestine protests and protesters.


Fatima Haidar,

Media Analyst, Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East