Thank TorStar for piece about media's role in shaping perception about Muslims & Palestinians

Please help us thank Toronto Star and Faisal Kutty for an excellent opinion piece about the Western media’s role in our perception of Muslims and Palestinians.

Good coverage - Media outlet to be thanked

A CJPME Media Researcher has launched a media alert for the following article. Please submit a quick response to the media, even if it’s just a sentence or two:

Title of Piece: Faisal Kutty: "How Western media treats the ‘Islamic threat’"

Media Outlet: Toronto Star
Click here to access the piece online

Click here to access the PDF

Comments of the CJPME Media Researcher:
(Note: Please do not copy and paste the material below as the content to your message to the media - put all comments in your own words):
Please help us thank Toronto Star and Faisal Kutty for an excellent opinion piece about the Western media’s role in our perception of Muslims and Palestinians.

  • Kutti draws from the teachings of Edward Said to make readers understand how Media are powerful and dangerous in shaping how we think about Muslims and Palestinians.
  • Kutty explains that the Muslim threat took over the communist scare in the post-Cold War era and was solidified with 9/11 to include Western Muslims as well.
  • Kutti mentions the Media’s responsibility for fomenting hate, incitement to genocide, dehumanization, justifications for war crimes, and Israeli propaganda.
  • To strengthen his idea of the media’s pro-Israel bias, Kutty mentions several studies and examples of reporting from the U.S. and Canada.

Since we've included the email for submitting letters to the editor, you may consider writing your letter such that it could be published in the letters section. Toronto Star asks for letters of 50-150 words. 

Please click here to launch an email in which you can draft a response to this media coverage.

Thank you very much. Every response makes a difference.

The CJPME Media Centre Team
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