Additional context needed regarding Israel’s deliberate role in blocking aid from entering Gaza

"Israel’s actions have been detailed in a recent report by Refugees International. Without this context, your readers will likely have a false sense of the likely impact of these new aid routes. I insist that you add context about Israel’s deliberate obstruction of aid entering Gaza." Continue reading


Balanced reporting on the famine in Gaza must include sources other than COGAT

"To include COGAT’s response but omit the original IPC report is unfair. Readers are left without reference to the essential document that is relevant to this discussion. To meet CBC’s fundamental principle of balance, reference to the report and a short description of its findings must be included in your article." Continue reading


Correction needed to specify that 32,900 Palestinians have been killed, not "tens of thousands"

"Unlike the descriptive copy at the top of the “Israel-Hamas War” topic page, a news article is expected to reflect a situation at a specific time. Leaving the Palestinian death toll obscured serves no purpose, as the number is not expected to be edited as more Palestinians are killed by Israel." Continue reading


Re: “We are a Palestinian and a Jew from Israel and we represent a unified voice for peace”

"Giving a platform to PACBI and talking about Justice would have been more appropriate as it all starts by recognizing and dismantling Israel’s 76 years of regime." Continue reading


Thanks for offering a range of perspectives on the genocide in Gaza

"Please continue to publish interviews and articles that offer a range of perspectives on what has become a humanitarian crisis in Gaza. This time in history will be a black mark on the international community when we look back in the years to come." Continue reading


Numerous false claims in recent op-ed require correction or clarifcation

"Third, Hamas has not diverted “hundreds of billions of dollars in international aid to build” military installations. There is no evidence to support this wild figure. This is a pure fabrication. If I am wrong, please provide clear evidence to support the assertion." Continue reading


Article about the March 30 pro-Palestine protest in Toronto fails to include voices from protesters and organizers

"It is your journalistic obligation to include voices from the protesters and organizers themselves to balance the record. Please include voices from protesters, PYM, and Jews Say No To Genocide and shed light on the issue of Canada’s police brutality." Continue reading


For Global News, the burden of proof falls on everyone but Israel

"I find it puzzling and deeply disturbing that Global News could, in good conscience, piece together a news segment that goes from footage of a battered, hollowed, and burned Al-Shifa hospital to Israeli army footage of their justification for their attacks: three guns scattered on the floor." Continue reading


Police officers didn't just "push" protestors, they were kneeling on their necks

"Though these cases of indiscriminate police brutality are well-documented and widely accessible, CP24 settles for the word “pushing” to describe police actions. This works to conceal and undermine the police brutality protestors have alleged. Please adjust your wording to ensure a precise description of the video evidence." Continue reading


Correction needed to clarify that Israel has effective control over Gaza

"Put like this, readers could easily assume it is Hamas who is solely responsible for the lack of freedom instead of Israel, which is misleading and false. As I mentioned above, Israel is considered an occupying power under international law, and it has effective control over Gaza. As such, reporting needs to be clear and leave no doubt as to which party is responsible." Continue reading