Broadcast marginalizes Palestinian narratives and perpetuates anti-Palestinian racism
Presenting this policy as controversial or outside Canadian norms distorts the reality of Canada’s commitments to international law. Such lopsided coverage is an example of CITL-DT ‘manufacturing consent’ in real-time, bombarding Canadians with the message that recognizing Palestinian statehood is a losing policy. It's just not tru
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Thanks for standing in solidarity with Palestinians and recognizing the role of academic and cultural resistance,
Your bold action to align with PACBI demonstrates a principled commitment to anti-oppressive values, decolonization, and justice. In standing in solidarity with Palestinians and recognizing the role of academic and cultural resistance, you send a powerful message that resonates beyond the realm of art and literature.
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Thank you for using the term "genocide" to describe the actions against Palestinians in Gaza
I greatly appreciate how Mr. Hedges reframes the "clash of civilizations" theory from the perspective of the so-called “other.” I love how he exposes how the West has exploited this narrative to justify the dehumanization and systemic violence inflicted upon the Global South.
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Re: "Forging Another Way Forward”
I believe the authors could have further benefited from deeper contextualization of the lived experience of Palestinians, particularly in relation to the enduring impacts of colonialism and apartheid. The history of the Nakba, the ongoing displacement of Palestinians, and the structural inequalities perpetuated by Israeli policies are essential to understanding the roots and persistence of this long conflict.
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Re: "Palestinian Christians call on western churches to ‘humanize’ the children of Gaza"
I am fear that Ms. Barter may face significant blowback about this piece from groups such as Honest Reporting Canada. Recently, J-source’s Canada Press Freedom Project has been asking journalists who cover Palestine and who receive threats online to reach out for assistance. I sincerely hope this doesn’t happen here, but just in case, I suggest you bookmark this link as a precautionary measure.
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Re: "Trudeau-Freeland fallout is a crisis. But not the kind you might think"
By pledging uncritical, “unwavering, ironclad” support, Freeland/Trudeau gave Israel permission to ramp up ethnic cleansing against Palestinians, thereby putting Canadians on the opposite side from the world’s leading organizations for human rights and the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court.
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Concerns over Mr. Parry's live hit from Jerusalem with Ms. Fartah on CBC News
Mr. Parry then answered by providing the Israeli defence of its crimes with zero context, with no skepticism that challenged the Israeli narrative, nor any mention of anti-war Israeli human rights groups that supported the conclusion of Amnesty International’s report. His reporting was one-sided, unfair, unbalanced, out of context, and thus, unethical.
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Heavily one-sided article is rife with anti-Palestinian racism
"This is the press, an irresponsible press. It will make the criminal look like he's the victim and make the victim look like he's the criminal. If you aren't careful the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing." Malcolm X. 1964
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Misrepresentation in Ben Mulroney’s broadcast on antisemitism
At a point when the world’s leading organizations for human rights and international law have concluded that Israel practices apartheid, illegal occupation, and genocide, and when the International Criminal Court has issued arrest warrants for Israel’s leaders for crimes against humanity and war crimes, to label pro-Palestinian activists, many of whom are Jewish, as jihadist, is a base form of Islamophobia and anti-Palestinian racism.
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Inaccurate Use of "anti-Israeli intimidation" in article
Using the words ‘anti-Israeli-intimidation’ or ‘anti-Israeli related intimidation’ to frame your headline and opening statement is blatant misinformation and a factual inaccuracy.This is a very tense time especially for the Jewish, Arab, Muslim and Palestinian communities. Using language that is inaccurate and inflammatory does not help to ease the tension and does a disservice to both the Minister and the public in general.
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