MAP ALERT!: Thank the Hill Times for reporting on Canada’s effort to block ICJ opinion on Israel

The Hill Times gets strong visibility on Parliament Hill, and we expect that the article will be attacked harshly by pro-Israel groups. So please consider encouraging the Hill Times to continue reporting on these issues. Continue reading


MAP ALERT!: CBC UNPUBLISHES interview with Palestinian woman

That CBC would unpublish an interview with a Palestinian woman should be alarming to everyone concerned with media ethics - it is a grave violation.  As of yet, CJPME has yet to receive any satisfactory explanation for why the segment was removed. Continue reading


MAP ALERT!: Winnipeg Free Press reports on Canadian activists and their work in the occupied West Bank

We expect that the article will be attacked by pro-Israel groups/individuals who would prefer that the language of occupation remain unspoken - so some strong letters in support will help the newspaper hold its ground. Continue reading


MAP ALERT!: SaltWire letter denies that children were killed during Israel's military invasion of the Jenin refugee camp

On August 1, Robert Walker of the pro-Israel lobby group Honest Reporting Canada published a letter in The Telegram (a SaltWire newspaper) attempting to justify Israel’s killing of children in Jenin — by claiming that they were not children at all. His argument is dubious, defamatory, and based on false premises. It constitutes a breach of basic journalistic principles, even in the context of opinion. Continue reading


MAP ALERT!: Global National under attack for reporting on Palestinian struggles

CJPME applauds Goomansingh’s reporting and urges Global National not to cave to Honest Reporting’s pressure campaign. It is essential that media outlets continue to shed light on important issues like the struggles faced by Palestinians. Continue reading


MAP ALERT!: Toronto Star columnist demands that Canada stand up for Palestinians

This is one of the few articles we see in Canadian media that makes clear Israel’s annexation agenda and that puts forward a challenge to the Canadian government to take decisive action. Continue reading


MAP ALERT!: CBC As It Happens broadcasts one-sided interview with Israeli soldier

Robyn Bresnahan, a guest host for CBC’s As It Happens, interviewed Israeli Lt.-Col. Amos Davidowitz on July 24th. Mr. Davidowitz spoke proudly about his time serving Israel’s wars and expressed his commitment to showing up as an army reservist despite his participation in ongoing protests. His perspective was, by all accounts, profoundly one-sided. Continue reading


MAP ALERT!: News broadcast on CityNews Radio refers to the West Bank as "disputed" rather than "occupied"

During a syndicated radio clip that aired yesterday during prime time on many CityNews radio stations across Canada, ABC Journalist Jordana Miller referred to the West Bank as “disputed.” The error was made while reporting on policy changes made by Israel for Palestinian-Americans. Continue reading


MAP ALERT!: Defend CTV News Edmonton's coverage of Jenin solidarity rally

HRC is demanding that CTV News Edmonton go on air and say that “Palestinian terrorism is happening in Jenin” and that all Palestinians killed there were “terrorists.” Continue reading


MAP ALERT!: Please thank CBC As It Happens for interviewing Palestinian theatre director on the impact of the Israeli raid on the Jenin refugee camp

"Sheta described how the Israeli military prevented displaced Palestinians within the camp from using the theatre as a site of refuge and instead turned the theatre into a military base for Israeli soldiers and their vehicles – a perspective of the military raid that has not been covered by mainstream media." Continue reading